iSBatch offers a simple connection with MicrobeTracker to assign automatically cell outlines.

When analysing Rapid Acquisition datasets, one image can be used as a reference for the field of view.

In this example, we show the Bright Field as reference.


Note the DnaQ Experiment node selected. The selected type is Raw, with no customize parameters. Select Proccess to create a stack containing all images from the particular selected node. This image must be loaded into MicrobeTracker to assing cell outlines.

The MicrobeTracker is saved with the tag MTInput - e.g.[Green]MTInput.tif.

MicrobeTracker produces a .mat file. Select the tab Load again in Microbe Tracker IO.

Load the .mat file generated on MicrobeTracker and the corresponding input file.


After this operation, every Field of View will have a file called