The Peak Finder
plugin detects all peaks withing certain conditions and return ROIS for each detected peak. iSBatch detects peaks for all images in a certain node saving the results in one zip file at FieldOfView/PeakFinder/
Fill the empty spaces with the following information:
* Name: iSBatch
* URL:
* Host: webdav:Vcaldas
![Alt text](/iSBatch/images/manual/20150516-updateManual.png)
Close the panel to continue;
3 - Back to the ImageJ Updater panel, select on **View options** : *View files of iSBatch site*
![Alt text](/iSBatch/images/manual/20150516-updateManual2.png)
4 - Click **install** and then **Apply changes** to download iSBatch;
5 - Restart Fiji;
iSBAtch is stored in the folder Fiji/plugins/jar. ```
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